

Our Story

Matt Marshall, PharmD.
Email us: Fortifind@gmail.com

How it all started

Even before being in pharmacy school, I’ve always had a passion for health supplements and preventive medicine. With prescription medications and doctor visits becoming more expensive than ever before, it was always strange to me that herbal and dietary supplements are so overlooked. Even more strangely, the supplement industry has begun to resemble the fitness industry in that misinformation and marketing outshines factual information than can actually help people.

Having now had the privilege to spend a few years in the field, a large part of my daily practice now revolves around recommending the right supplements, the right diets, and setting straight so many of the health myths and rumors I hear and read about. Sadly I’m limited in that I can only help those who appear at my pharmacy counter – but that’s why I created Fortifind!

With my goal being to put the power back into the hands of you, the consumer, I’ve compiled a wealth of clinical knowledge and research into an interactive tool that the whole world can use to find the herbal and dietary supplements that are right for them – without crawling through volumes of misleading information and wasting all their money.

The passion to help others, along with a ton of help and support from friends and family along the way, is how you are visiting this page right now. I’m so incredibly grateful to you for visiting and taking the time to learn more about Fortifind – as it is truly a labor of love. I sincerely hope that it will serve you well in finding the right product out there to fortify every aspect of your life.

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