Male Libido Supplements: The Right Fit According to Science
Author: Glen Greenberg
Edited and checked for Clinical Validity by: Matt Marshall PharmD.
Before the advent of ad blocker, our webpages were flooded with ads for “Natural Male Enhancement,” coupled with “supplements” that boosts the male “ego.” They were definitely click-bait for some guys who were desperate for a lift, but the results could be quite deflating.
However, there are supplements and nutraceuticals that really do boost the male libido. The difference between these supplements and “Girth from the Earth” is that they are supported with actual scientific evidence showing how their powerful bioactive compounds aid in raising the mast.
Here are five science-proven supplements that can turn up the heat in your bedroom:
Pycnogenol: From Sea Wood to Blood
Pycnogenol is a powerful antioxidant supplement obtained from the bark of the French maritime tree. It modulates nitric oxide, which opens up blood vessels to increase blood flow, including to you know where.
How to take: Start with 40 mg twice daily. Increase up to three times daily as tolerated and as needed for desired effect. As pycnogenol affects the circulatory system, be careful to avoid it if you have high blood pressure, existing heart conditions, or are currently using any prescription medications for erectile dysfunction. (2)
Tribulus: Tropical Fever
Tribulus terrestris is a plant native to tropical regions of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East, where it has been traditionally used as a libido enhancer for generations. The mechanism by which tribulus works is not clear, but current research poses that it may have something to do with raising testosterone levels.
How to take: Take as an oral supplement, starting at 200-500 mg once daily. As it has not been shown to affect circulation, it’s safe to take tribulus with existing heart or circulatory conditions. However, there is a possibility of tribulus affecting the blood sugar – so be cautious if you are diabetic. As with all supplements and over-the-counter products, consult your doctor before starting.
Maca: The Mile High Supplement
Maca is a tuber native to the Andes that increases energy and fertility while enhancing sexual vigor. The exact mechanism for how it works hasn’t yet been confirmed. But some experts believe maca stimulates the hypothalamus and pituitary glands to release hormones that act as libido enhancers. (4)
How to take: Start with 500mg mg taken up to three times daily. This may be increased to up to 1000 mg three times as needed for the desired effect.
As with tribulus, maca may be an ideal choice for those with circulatory or heart issues, or for those looking for extra fiber and antioxidants in their diet. This supplement requires a relatively high dosage and may irritate those with weak stomachs. For those with a love of earthy, nutty flavors, however, it makes a great addition to a smoothie!
Panax Ginseng: Far East Power Plant
All of the subtypes of ginseng are amazingly healthy, but panax ginseng is the most effective support for erectile dysfunction. This Asian supplement is used in traditional Chinese medicine for its multitude of benefits, such as easing fatigue and stress, and it has been shown to improve blood flow. Ginsenosides, the bioactives within the plant, also specialize in increasing sexual potency.
How to take: As an oral supplement, start with 200 mg a day. Panax can act as a stimulant in some people, so take it in the morning to prevent it from affecting your sleep cycle. (5) Be sure to consult your doctor before starting as there can be interactions between panax and some prescription medications.
Fenugreek: The ED Eliminator
Fenugreek is a popular supplement marketed for a wide variety of ailments because of its high concentration of antioxidants. This clover-related plant has invigorating properties that improve blood flow and boost fertility by increasing sperm count and viability. (6)
How to take: The typical recommended dose is 250-300 mg taken twice daily. This plant also aids digestion and increases appetite, helping those who may have eating problems. Note that people who suffer from anemia or hypoglycemia should not take this extract.
The Ideal Supplement for Me
While there are certainly dozens of natural supplements for you to choose from to improve your performance in bed, these five are supported by scientific research to show that they can actually help you. Though the mechanisms for which they work are varied, and in some cases uncertain, the science shows that they can all help some guys to get their mojo rising.
The ideal supplements for you will always be whichever ones that work. Some combinations may even yield more remarkable results. Experiment with each of these (with your doctor’s approval, of course) and see which boost to your ego is right for you. Hmmm. Seems like we’re now starting to sound like a pop-up ad!
To help save you some time, we’ve researched the best brands on the market for the supplements discussed above. Below you will find the links to each product – feel free to check them out and compare with your own research! We receive a small kickback (about 5%) from Amazon, not the brand, which means that we can not only continue to produce high quality content, but keep our recommendations 100% free of bias as well.